Random rants

A re-start!!

Finally after keeping the subject of my blog as ‘Programming’ for quiet sometime and courtesy my laziness, never updating it, I have finally decided to change the subject of the blog. From now on, I expect the subjects to range from my small or long rides and the preparation or planning of the same to anything that comes to my mind and I feel like writing about them. Hope I can keep up with my expectations this time 🙂


4 thoughts on “A re-start!!”

  1. man ! i love bike rides,,,,only prob here is lack of companions…i wish wud get some adventurous friends here…

    ps– nice for the topic change..will kep n eye 🙂

  2. Places to go, in that part of the world, as so many, you just need to explore. 🙂

    And remember, Solo is always better 🙂

    Start riding!

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