Assam Hill-Stations India North east Railway Diaries Travel

A Train Through The Borail Hills

Close to a decade and a half back, I had taken the Silchar – Guwahati meter gauge train or Pahad line, as it was popularly known back then, once. For the kid that I was at that time, it was the most wonderful journey I had ever been on. I was delighted to say the least. The beautiful rail-line …

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Railway Diaries Random rants

Railway Diaries – Musings

The rain-cooled breeze is kissing my face and turning it colder by the second as I look at the green fields pass-by. Mushroom-shaped trees randomly dotting them. The rhythmic thak-thak-thak of the metal wheels leaving one piece of rail for another below seems like a melody to my ears now. The pattern only broken by the blares of …

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