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ASUS IndiBlogger Meet 2015 – Bangalore Edition

Just a few hours back I returned from my first IndiBlogger meet organized by ASUS and I must say, it was a wonderful experience meeting fellow bloggers.

Even though the meet was about to start at 5.30 PM, I managed to reach the venue only by 6 PM, thanks to the omnipresent Bangalore traffic.

The good part though was that the meet had not started yet and the IndiBlogger guys were just wrapping up the registrations. By the time I settled in, the meet formally started and what better way to start anything like this than starting it with some music.

Everybody settled-in
indiblogger meet 2015

A couple of head-banging sessions later, began the ice-breaking session, in a very interesting way. Done as a task, everyone was asked to collect some personal item from others present there. Lots of funny things were collected starting from toffees, to freshly-plucked hair from ones head and what not 😛 .

indiblogger meet 2015

indiblogger meet 2015 bangalore

After all this fun, as the snacks were constantly being served, ASUS’ product manager Mr. Chu gave a wonderful presentation about the two new products launched by ASUS, the ASUS EeBook 205 and the ASUS All-In-One PC ET2040. We were also given few of these beautiful machines to try-out for ourselves.

indi blogger meet 2015

The ASUS EeBook 205
asus eebook

The ASUS All-In-One PC ET2040

I personally liked the ASUS EeBook 205, it seems to be a perfect companion for those who are always on the go. The thing that impressed me the most about this small beauty was the fact that, apart from weighing even less than 1 kg, it also had a fantastic battery – backup of 11 hrs. In a real-world scenario, if it would even be 8-9 hours, I will be happy!

After the hands-on session, another round of fun and games took place before everybody was requested to head for a fantastic dinner.

All in all, for me, it was an evening well spent and was totally worth the pain of getting up & going to office early today (so that I can leave early for the meet).

After this first experience, I am definitely looking forward to more such meets in the near future. Till then, happy blogging :-)!

5 thoughts on “ASUS IndiBlogger Meet 2015 – Bangalore Edition”

  1. I have never attended at Indimeet and I am always jealous of those who do.
    I am moving to Bangalore. Who knows I may attend one soon. 🙂

    1. This was my first IndiMeet as well and it was good fun… 🙂
      Hope we have many more meets here and yes, come down to Bangalore, who knows you might attend one sooner than you think 😉

  2. Bloggers meeting then… nice… hope you attend many… you plucked hair of women aroung to give it to others… good good, did they have golden hair… how much is that all in one PC that’s lightweight having good batery backup?… did you go there to advertise about the product.

    1. Haha…!! No I did not go around plucking hair.

      We were invited for the launch, the company wanted us to give an overview of the products. I don’t do any advertisements.

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