Table of Contents
Some more pics from Day 3 follow:
The buttery breakfast!
Entering Jammu and Kashmir at the Lakhanpur Border
The Beautiful Mansar Lake en-route Udhampur
No lights and broken road inside
Vistas En-Route
One of the Railway Bridges enroute – Jammu Kashmir Rail Link

Greenery all-around
Most of the waterfalls we crossed were dry so this one was a refreshing sight
Some more greenery
Dam at Udhampur
A Temple on the Highway
Lovely Roads & Villages en-route
nice captures! 🙂
Thanks bhaiya:)
From here on, things will get much better 🙂
I am a stranger for you..But I am a regular reader of ur posting of this ladakh journey, and thrill to know about this adventurous journey. all the above pictures are awesome!!
Thanks mam :).
Its great to know you find my blog interesting and keeping an eye on it :).
I would be posting the next update as soon as I get sometime out of work and I hope you like that too.
Keep an eye :).
u r welcome.. eagerly waiting to know about the details of your memorable journeys. Whenever u gt time update the details. I am from Guwahati.
Sure, I will.
Great to know you are from my state :).
hmmmm Mamu, I am so tight here, this week was really a hectic week for me, daily classes, anyway all done successfully and now Friday afternoon, weekend ahead….
What should I say here, yours images that you uploaded here telling a lot, a lot, those clicks are really nice and I always enjoy with your images from yours last glorious Bike tour and yours writings too, always, you are a software engineer, Bike rider, lover, etc etc……you are really a man of diverse qualities, merits etc etc….& writer, you are really a good writer too, I like your writing and appreciate your pen power, keep it up Mamu….my best wishes are always with you,
When you mentioned about Anantnag….its really clicked my mind Abba (father) yours dadu never switch off his Radio till late night and i can remember the word Anantanag….. so many times a day due to the reason you mentioned….you are so lucky that you have completed your operation in those areas, good, good, very good,
Mamu…..congrts for the honorary title of TV Guy and Reporter….you would say Rajiv India Bike Tour Reporting…..joking Mamu…don’t mind please, yeah, those are really innocent people, to them only reporter can carry good & multiple camera, the people of the area may also love to see them in media…… ‘‘ek photo khichne ka kitna”……bilkul muft…..good real pleasure and fun
I have some questions here for you:
1. Why there were lots of army men with red flag in the area you mentioned…was there any operation going on during that time….or it’s a regular duty for them in the area or….????…I am really curious about it.
2. Why that Quazigund Kashmir valley view point name is Titanic Viewpoint. I think that name is recently given as Titanic story is not revealed so many years before….. ….in the highly terrain and hilly area how and why Titanic, why not by any other name…or by the name of any our Freedom Fighters etc etc….there must be some reason????….here I don’t see any birds-eye view of the Valley as you mentioned…..thats photo is missing here or may be I missed the same photo.
3. “…..the cars were running WITHOUT the concern for others on the road…..made me think, if they actually DESERVE the Pakistani roads”…….i think and sure, those are Indian people and why they were deserving them to be in Pakistani road?????. This area is a high alert area amongst the other states of the country and why and how they go like this????
4. This is really surprising and strange to me too…the private cars without No. plates, that’s means no registration, no record of those cars and people….how in a highly borderline, high alert area….the cars are running without any valid record????…really a big question????
..ok, Mamu, keep it up, I am stopping here, time to go and pick the kids from School, keep on posting, your writings and images are really revealing, priceless, factual etc etc..i love those and enjoying with those too…keep it up.
Mamu, I am really really happy to know that I could write upto that standard so that you could enjoy reading. This really gives me immense pleasure and a feeling of satisfaction :).
This trip for me carries a lot of significance and I would love to share this with as many persons close to me as I can.
Mamu, the people where those funny incidents happened were indeed simple people. The interation with them was really sweet and different :).
Regarding your questions,
Red army flags was not the Red Flags of Flag March, rather they were to slow down traffic as that stretch was quite dangerous and the roads too, were not in that good condition. No ‘operation’ was going on in that area. If anything like that happens, the Army restricts the traffic movement.
The view-point is named ‘Titanic View-point’ because it gives a very ‘TITANIC’, a very BIG & kind of FULL view of the Kashmir valley.
They have not named it after any freedom fighter because may be a view-point is not that BIG a thing! The images you see are not actually a Bird’s eye view but a view from quite a significant height.
They were very much Indian mamu but I said they deserved to be driving in Pakistani roads because one, people of Srinagar favor Pakistan over India (this is not the case in other parts of Jammu & Kashmir) and two, there driving was just wreck-less to say the least. Even standing in one place for some time seems to be risky if you are standing by the road. I have been to many places in India but I have never seen such irresponsible driving/riding anywhere.
Most of the bikes and cars which the youngsters were driving/riding were without numbers. I am not sure if they were not even registred or not but they were riding without numbers, which in itself is illegal!
Mamu, I am really happy that you read my log thoroughly, and your good wishes always mean a lot :).
More details will be coming soon 🙂
you are capable of doing anything Mamu, i love your sprit, courage, etc etc, i am always proud of you Mamu, keep it up always,
hmmmm Mamu, my queries are now clear, keep on posting and writing,
love n best wishes..mamu
Thanks a lot Mamu, I am happy that you liked the posts and I was able to clear your queries.
I just did what I wanted to do and now I am more determined to do things I would like to do in future and for those, your true good wishes will give me a lot of motivation :).
I will post the rest of the days’ logs soon mamu, and I will update you accordingly. 🙂
OMG…. superb dude superb
and thank you for knowing us the paradise is in india only… simply ppl goes to abroad for vacations……but if they would go places like this…. they gonna be amazed by the beauti…..
this we say:
Agar kahi jannat hai to bus yehi hai yehi hai
incredible India
Thanks, I am really glad to know that you liked it.
Keep watching this space, the real journey has not even started 🙂
What a beautiful journey. Which month was this?
Thank you. Glad that you liked it.
This was towards the last week of August & first week of September.