It had been a while since we had out last BCMT meet here in Bangalore. In this period, the Delhi guys already had met a handful of times, which naturally made me jealous about all the fun they were having, meet after x-( .We also wanted to have our meet again, soon.
Last time (our first meet actually), we had met for a Sunday brunch in a restaurant with a decent number of people showing up. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it and we had decided to meet again soon.
After that meet, Mainak da ( had been proposing the next meet at his place which finally happened today.
Even though the head-count was bit low this time around but it was a fun meet nonetheless.
Being away from the madness of the city is always a pleasure and given the fact that Mainak da’s home was away from the madness of the city, made it even better.
It was planned that it would be a dinner meet so all of us, Praveen bhai, Kaushik da & me reached Mainak da’s home in Chandrapura village by 6.30 PM in the evening.

After settling down and being done with snacks and lots of bakar, Mainak da showed us his beautiful house, while the super-active Leon (Mainak da’s son) was taking more pleasure in explaining us about everything.
By the time we were done with seeing the house and enjoying a clear sky full of stars, Paramita had readied the dinner with all the wonderful food she had cooked, on the table.

Some fantastic food and a lot of bakar, what else do you need on a weekend :-).
Finally, after some test-rides of my KTM, we wrapped up the fantastic meet by 10.30 PM and everybody headed home, with the hope of having the next meet pretty soon.
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