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ASUS Zenfone – the Ideal valentine!

I always keep on looking for one excuse or the other to gift something to myself, be it any occasion. New year, my birthday, anything, and valentine’s day was no different 😉 . I had to get something for myself this valentine as well (of course I didn’t forget to buy gifts for my lovely wife 😉 ).

I was on the look-out for a decent smart-phone. As I started to dig the internet to find out what options I had, I came across the Zenfone series of smartphones from ASUS. A brief look at the specs pleasantly surprised me as it was a fantastic bang for the buck, as they call it!

There were multiple things that can be called the ‘deal-makers‘ in my case while choosing the Zenfone. I would love to talk about all of them but then, that would be boringly long! So, let me talk about at-least five points, the top five of my deal-makers.

1. Great Looks: When it comes to anything that I have to choose, be it anything, I give a lot of importance to the ‘looks‘ of it. A phone is a very personal thing which I, and almost everyone who uses it, keeps it with himself/herself the entire day. So, it’s pretty obvious that it has to look good. In this aspect, the ASUS Zenfones are killers. They have stunningly sleek and beautiful design which will make you fall in love with them at the very first look.

2. Battery back-up: To me, however wonderfully feature-rich and sleek a smartphone be, if it has not got enough juice in it to last a full day, it is of no use.

After-all, what good is a super sleek phone that looks wonderful, has great hardware but doesn’t have a good enough battery to complement its features! The Zenfones’ batteries have a talk-time of 12 hours, more than enough to last a full day. Another very important aspect for me.

3. Great camera: Our smartphones today are not only phones but they are also our backup cameras. Smartphones today, are expected to have at-least decent camera to capture that special and unexpected moment when you don’t have a proper camera handy. The Zenfone has a fantastic 5-megapixel camera which takes wonderful images, during daytime, as well as in low-light conditions!

4. Multi-tasking: There’s no time of the day when I am using only one feature on my phone and I am pretty sure, that’s the case with most of you as well. ASUS has given significant consideration to this fact while developing the Zenfone and have rewarded us with a device that handles multiple tasks very effectively, allowing you to play your favorite video on YouTube while you chat with your friend on WhatsApp. In other words, better multi-tasking equals to no sluggishness in operation.

5. Price: Last but in no way the least, the price!! ASUS has hit the nail right on the head by pricing Zenfones very very competitively. Prices for the Zenfone starts at just Rs.5,999/- which to me, is just fantastic, to say the least!

To have a look at the Zenfone series, head to http://www.flipkart.com/asus.

Disclaimer: This post contains sponsored links.

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