Sponsored Travel Travel tips

How To Survive Any Airport

We all know that airports can be an absolute pain and not the most enjoyable places in the world for the common traveler. That is unless you know all the ins and outs of them, which can really help to make your time there much better. I have decided that it is about time that …

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Beach Destinations Mexico Sponsored Travel

Top things to do in Los Cabos, Mexico

Just like so many Latin American, South American and Central American countries and of course Russia, Mexico had been one of those countries which had stoked a strange sort of curiosity, always. While I don’t see myself visiting Mexico anytime in the near future, that did not spend some time to find out about the …

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Indonesia Sponsored Travel

Some History and Some Adventure

Old historic places have always intrigued be. From churches to old buildings to age-old neighborhoods and towns, the older they are, with their past preserved, the more they seem to impress me. There’s one thing I find common at such places, something I like the most and it would not be wrong if I say that …

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Adventure Bangalore India Karnataka Reviews South Sponsored

Off-roading fun with the new Land Rover

We were supposed to meet the last month but few things came in between and we couldn’t. As they say, things happen only when they are supposed to! When our proposed meeting did not materialize the last time, I, by no chance had expected another meeting happening so soon. However, serendipity works in strange ways! Within less than a month of …

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PR Sponsored

‘Greetings Human’, says the new IndiPR

I as of now, have refrained from publishing any Press Releases on my blog and I don’t see myself accepting any in the near future as well. The reason? I don’t think PRs, until and unless they are about products or services closely related to the theme of my blog, travel, would be a good fit here. Neither …

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