I as of now, have refrained from publishing any Press Releases on my blog and I don’t see myself accepting any in the near future as well. The reason? I don’t think PRs, until and unless they are about products or services closely related to the theme of my blog, travel, would be a good fit here. Neither would it be something delightful to read something un-related. However, when I came to know about something from the IndiBlogger stable, a community to which the blogger in me owes a lot (more on that some other time 🙂 ), I made an exception and decided to share the launch of IndiPR here.

IndiPR – Beyond Humans
The good guys of my Indi family have been really working hard towards building a vibrant Blogging community over the past few years. All this while, they had been managing well. Juggling themselves between brands, bloggers and having a lot of fun (which I am sure is what they do most of the time). But as they say, things change with time. The same happened to IndiBlogger as well. With more people starting to blog seriously and brands starting to give more value to bloggers, the work of these fun-loving guys increased many folds. They however were not inclined towards cutting down their having fun part and so, they decided to do something out of the box. They delegated most of the hard-work that was supposed to be done by them to A.I.T.E.(Automated Influencer Targeting Engine), the heart of IndiPR so that they can keep spending most of their time in just having fun.

Indiblogger’s official press-release says, “IndiPR.com was built to make it extremely simple for a business to get their Press Releases published by top bloggers. All a business has to do is upload their Press Release and the ‘Automated Influencer Targeting Engine’, or ‘AITE’ for short, proceeds to accept applications and automatically shortlists bloggers based on various factors including internal ratings and rankings. Once shortlisted, the influencers do their research and publish their articles”.
Given the fact that A.I.T.E. is a self-learning engine, the future of IndiPR, based on what the Indi guys say, looks pretty interesting. As A.I.T.E. becomes more and more accurate with time, it is supposed to carry more than just Press Releases. Bloggers will be able to get creative assignments, get invitations to attend the trendiest launch events and be privy to the latest news on the planet before the world wakes up to it.
For businesses too, IndiPR is quite interesting a tool. In the words of Anoop Johnson, Co-founder & Director of Marketing at IndiBlogger, “With a starting budget of just USD 150, a business of any size will be able to get their press releases published by influential bloggers with a few clicks.”
I hope A.I.T.E. achieves what it has set out to.
IndiPR sounds a simple way to engage business owners and bloggers. Truly a great innovative by IndiBlogger Team.
That exactly what it seems to be Anand. Hope it does well.