India Karnataka Random rants South

Choose and book the right hotel in Bangalore

In my last 5-6 years of living in Bangalore, the garden city of India, I have seen it grow at a very fast pace. People from all over the country as well as from outside come here, for various reasons.Some come for work, some come as tourists, some visit for business and a lot of …

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The wonderful sight of Hope

I never thought I will ever write about it but then, I am! Let me share with you, a very old story, something which happened with me more than a decade a decade ago but I am still not completely out of it! If I remember correctly, I had just finished my final exams of …

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The smarter way of buying and selling Quikr NXT!

Everything that we like or love in your lives change. Whether we accept it or not, change is the only thing in this world that is constant! There are things in our lives which we love and then there are things which we love a bit more . A personal vehicle, in my point of …

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Five things I would Love to do if I were ‘Befikar Umar Bhar’

Dreams! We all have our own set of dreams and wishes which we want to fulfill in our life, who doesn’t? But then, as we move ahead in life, all the dreams are over-shadowed by the ‘realities of life’. The wanted and un-wanted responsibilities take preference over our ‘dreams’ and as time passes by, most …

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ASUS Zenfone – the Ideal valentine!

I always keep on looking for one excuse or the other to gift something to myself, be it any occasion. New year, my birthday, anything, and valentine’s day was no different 😉 . I had to get something for myself this valentine as well (of course I didn’t forget to buy gifts for my lovely …

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